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All About Myself and Divergent Love

I'll get straight to it.
Welcome to Divergent Love
My name is Suellen Daly. I grew up in North Carolina and moved to Florida 25 years ago. I'm a MoM to a cool kid (Gage) and a cool dog (Sen). The most important thing to know about me is I love my Son, my Brother and his Family, the Sanzera Family, Shirlee and my dog and I would go to the end of the Earth for any one of them at any time. I spend my time taking vacations in Bald Head and reading. I love to read anything and everything including books, magazines, car manuals, the Bible, old encyclopedias and anything else I can find. One last bit about me - it took me 6 months but I solved the Rubik Cube without using any algorithms. I really hope you enjoy as much as I do. I spent many late nights searching the internet for all the cool and crazy items I could find. You will find something here for everyone.
Divergent Love is where you will find
"Everything You Don't Need but Can't Live Without". A special thanks to David Mowry from Funny Book Art for the cartoon drawing on the home page and logo.